Finding peace and some mentorship on this journey
”Getting pregnant is a unique experience in itself but being in quarantine and the world changing so dramatically made it even more surreal. I find myself thinking about the future in another way. Thinking about ways to teach someone who is new in this world the importance of how we treat our surroundings: The planet, the people in our lives and not to forget ourselves either. This book helps me a lot to be present, reflect on my own experiences from my childhood until now and author Erica Chidi Cohen (@ericachidicohen) feels like a kind guide in these uncertain times. Between monthly doctors appointments and online classes this is my own way of finding peace and some mentorship on this journey. “
Nurture A Modern Guide to Pregnancy by Erica Chidi Cohen
Joanna is wearing the Camo Suit Ice
This recommendation was written by my dear friend and photographer @jojaphoto Credits for the photos go to her husband @holyorbroken